Starting An Online Business – How To Make Money Blogging

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Toronto Is Mine is dedicated to providing our readers with fresh and innovative  ideas, which is why I’m excited to share the following gem with you.

I want you to wrap your head around the idea that the internet can make you money. Period. I don’t care what your friend said, or what you heard, I know you can make money on the internet because I’VE MADE money on the internet. The truth is most of you will fail at making money on the internet … unless you dedicate yourself and everything you got to this business.

You see, “online money” was a blessing in disguise for me because I was stuck in a limbo. I didn’t want to continue working a nine to five, but I didn’t have the capital to start my own business. I was in a tough position; one that was frustrating me and keeping me up all night.  Different ideas would pop in and out of my head, from owning car dealerships, to warehouse gyms … none which I could afford to do.  I just knew that I wanted to own my own business, and I wouldn’t let anything get in my way.

Then one day I read an article online on “niche marketing.” What attracted me to this article was the fact that I could do it out of my home office, and that it required twenty dollars and some patience. I figured I had nothing to lose, and so I registered a domain, set up a website, and read till I felt dizzy. I read everything under the sun on the subject, and little by little, piece by piece, things started to connect.  Lo and behold,  I made some money.  It’s not as easy as I make it seem,  but that was four years ago,  and today,  I am a wealthier man.

For those of you familiar with the concept of internet marketing, chances are that you story is similar to mine. If there is one thing we can agree on, it’s that in this type of business you never stop learning, which is why it’s in your interest to read this article in its entirety.   For those of you just learning about the business and looking to get your feet wet, the following advice will be the most important thing you read all week. Pay close attention, and read it carefully.  If you can’t do that,  then don’t even bother with the business.

Here’s the basic formula in making money blogging:

  1. Register a domain name and purchase a monthly internet hosting service ($5 dollars a month)
  2. Install and learn how to use WordPress (Free)
  3. Once your blog is up, get in the habit of writing a post per day. You can do more if you please.
  4. Learn to monetize your blog, and bring traffic to it from search engines and other websites. (KEY to making money)
  5. Rinse and repeat.

Now think about it, the more blogs that you have, the more “virtual real estate” your own and thus the more money you earn. Now let it be known that is NOT an easy business to get into, and not an easy business to survive in. As a matter of fact, the MAJORITY of you reading this will most likely fail. I don’t mean to disappoint you, but that’s the truth. If on the other hand you are hungry for success, and wish to operate a business from the comfort of your own home, then nothing will stop you.  Failure is not even in your vocabulary.

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Now that we got that out of the way,  it’s also important that you understand that making money online is a business and should be treated like a business. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a plan in place,  and a marketing budget. It is CRUCIAL that you invest into learning about this business. The more you invest in learning about the business, the more you earn.  Plain and simple.  Invest a little time and you will make a couple hundred dollars per week,  invest more time and you will make a couple thousand. I’ve seen it happen.

I have dug up a start-up guide that I feel is the best one out there, in terms of helping you set up a blog that you can run as a business and make money off. It is extremely easy to understand and follow.  It is a must have if you are to succeed in this business. I won’t lie to you and sugarcoat things,  which is why I’ll repeat that the majority of you reading this will fail.  However those that are dedicated in their work and are ready to treat it like their business,  the sky is the limit.

Like I previously said,  you will have to spend some money to get your online business rolling.  How much? $24.95. Bet you thought it was higher, huh? This will get you your own domain name, web hosting, full set up,   monetization, and on going blog management.   It will also provide you with an introduction to the business,  and help you understand how it all works. This is a GREAT deal, and should be acted upon immediately.  As a matter of fact, it is much cheaper than going through all the steps of creating your online business yourself.  Don’t believe me? Do the math.

If you think that it’s pricey,  then you need to find yourself a business with a start-up cost less than $24.95.  I dare you to find such a business…  if you do,  please let me know.  Without further ado,  click on the link below,  sign up by entering your name and email, and then following the on-screen instructions. You can thank me later.

Oh and by the way, what I want you to do when the cheques start rolling in, is take a snapshot of it (blur out your information of course) and send it in to I will gladly post your success story, and promote your blog free of charge.

Until next time,

Toronto Is Mine.

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