Using a Business Card to Boost Your Image

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So you have just started your own business.  It couldn’t get any more exciting as this.

You have done just about everything to get your new company up and running. You have employees that work under you and are ready to do anything that you tell them to.

You’ve hired a graphic designer to make a spiffy logo for your operation. You’ve even made the jump to being online.

You’ve hired a web designer and they have designed a website for you. It’s crisp, professional, and you are sure it will generate some leads over time.

You are on your way to being successful! You have done everything possible to get your company’s name out there, right? Wrong!

There is still one more thing that you need to do in order to get ahead of the competition. You need to design a business card.

Many people think these would just be a waste of time and money. But they are anything but that.

Cards can be useful when everything else does not work. Let’s say you meet a great person on your way to work who is interested in the work that your company does.

How will you leave them with all the pertinent information about your business? Will you quickly scribble it down on the morning’s newspaper?

Will you write it down on the napkin from your cafe-latte? This would be hardly professional.

Having a card will give you a quick and easy way to spread the word around about your business. Here are the things that you need to know about making a great one:

First of all, you need to have a theme in mind when making the card. This could be done in a variety of different ways.

You could put your logo in the corner, and have the rest of it be decked in matching colors with the logo. This will give the card a very professional look that will catch the eye of potential customers.

If you run a business that revolves around employees personally helping customers, it might be a good idea to include a picture of the employee or the employee team. That way, the customer can have a clear picture of the specific person in their head.

The next thing that you need to know is exactly what you need to put on the surface. Sometimes, your name and a phone number is not enough!

In addition to your full name and phone number, it is wise to provide other pertinent information. This could include anything such as your company’s address, website address, or fax number.

Even now in some cases it would be a good idea to put the address to a social networking account. This could be sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

In an increasingly digital world, many companies connect through these sites. Revealing this information could be a great way for a customer to see the facets of your operation before they even physically visit it.

Now that you know what to put on the front of the card, you also need to know what to put on the back. It’s a very good idea to put some kind of “incentive” on the back to grab the customer’s attention and give them a reason to keep it.

You could put a coupon on the back or some other type of discount that the receiver can use. It will make them keep the card and give them a reason to visit your website or come into your store or office personally.

Finally, if you head an environmentally-friendly company, it may be a good idea to advertise that fact on the card. How exactly would you do that?

You can manufacture your cards from recycled material to be friendly to the environment. Then you can tell that to the customer’s right on the slip of paper.

In that way, you can help the environment, but you will also gain the respect of those who read your information. They will know that your business is honest and conscious of the issues around them

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About the Author:
Ignacio Lopez has been involved with marketing and business for more than 20 years. He specializes in web-based customer relationship management and recommends ( for your marketing needs.

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